The IWJV’s Partnering to Conserve Sagebrush Rangelands is featured in a new episode of the Bureau of Bureau of Land Management’s podcast, On the Ground.
Read MoreStrengthening relationships synergizes conservation results and hope across fencelines, landownerships, and communities.
Read MoreWorking at a scale this large can pose some challenges. But while tackling a wide range of landscape-level habitat and conservation objectives, one thing remained constant: I was never alone. A partner in conservation was always standing by my side.
Read MoreWhen implementing conservation funding within rural communities, creative problem-solving and leaps of faith can make all the difference.
Read MoreA new paper, “Impacts of umbrella species management on non-target species,” investigates the effects that conifer management for Greater sage-grouse habitat improvement had on other sagebrush-obligate bird species in southwest Montana.
Read MoreThe 2023 Annual Report for the IWJV’s Partnering to Conserve Sagebrush Rangelands effort in collaboration with the Bureau of Land Management is now available!
Read MoreIn this virtual workshop, hosted by University of Wyoming’s Institute for Managing Annual Grasses Invading Natural Ecosystems (IMAGINE), watchers will learn about guiding principles, strategic planning processes, tools, and tactics for managing invasive annual grass invasion in sagebrush country.
Read MoreBOSH Project Manager, Sage Capacity Team member Connor White, is featured in a new spotlight on the BOSH project produced by the Idaho Rangeland Resources Commission’s Life on the Range series. Curious about this important ecosystem restoration project? Check out the new video here.
Read MoreThe Mule Deer Foundation in collaboration with the Bureau of Land Management, Intermountain West Joint Venture, Colorado Department of Parks and Wildlife, and other local and state partners are seeking applicants to fulfill a shared partnership position for Northwest Colorado to enhance the collaborators’ ability to conserve sagebrush rangelands.
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