As wet meadows restoration efforts grow, managers and implementers need to access the top resources. In our Zeedyk One-Stop Shop, we’ve collected those important materials on this page. This includes factsheets, videos and online training modules, technical documents, research publications, planning and permitting examples, stories of success, and spatial data tools. Our resources focus on Zeedyk structures intended to arrest headcuts and small channel incisions, including one rock dams, media lunas, rock rundowns, and Zuni bowls.

Factsheets, Handouts, and Websites

Using Sticks and Stones to Restore Incised Streams and Meadows (IWJV)

On the Range, Water is Life:
Help conserve wet habitats in sagebrush country to benefit working lands and wildlife (Sage Grouse Initiative)

On the Range, Water is Life
(Sage Grouse Initiative)

The Science Behind WLFW’s Riparian and Wet Meadow Restoration
(Working Lands for Wildlife)

Videos and Online Training


Virtual Workshop:
Introduction to Low-Tech Wet Meadow Restoration

Virtual Workshop:
Utah Low-Tech Wet Meadow Restoration


Reading the Landscape to Recognize Opportunities

Wet Meadow Restoration Zeedyk Structures
(Wyoming Game and Fish Dept.)

Erosion Control
(Quivira Coalition)

Technical Documents


Technical Document:
Hand-Built Structures for Restoring Degraded Meadows in Sagebrush Rangelands

Technical Document:
Mesic Habitat Conservation Planning Guide (Sage Grouse Initiative)

Technical Document:
An introduction to Erosion Control (Quivira Coalition)


Technical Document:
Erosion Control Field Guide (Quivira Coalition)
Para español, pulse aquí

Technical Document:
Using simple structures for flow dispersion in wet meadow restoration



Peer-reviewed research on Zeedyks, their construction, and the context for mesic restoration.

Planning and Permitting


Conservation Practice Specification Sheet: Restoration of Rare or Declining Natural Communities: Zeedyk Structures for Riparian Areas and Wet Meadows (NRCS)

Environmental Assessment: Montana/Dakotas Low-Tech, Process-Based Riverscape Restoration (BLM)

Environmental Assessment: Low-Tech, Process-Based Lotic and Lentic Restoration for Colorado BLM (BLM)


Environmental Assessment: Cedar City Field Office Riparian Restoration and Wetland Enhancement (BLM)

Environmental Assessment: Grand Junction Field Office Zeedyk Structure Use in Gunnison Sage-Grouse Habitat Restoration (BLM)

Site Assessment: Riparian and Wet Meadow Restoration: Cottonwood Gulch (BIO-Logic Inc.)


Stories of Success

Spatial Tools


Map Layer: Mesic Resources (Sage Grouse Initiative)


Additional spatial data tools that can be used to map mesic areas are in development. To learn more about these tools, or for support with using spatial data to plan and prioritize Zeedyk work, reach out to our Science to Implementation Specialist.