Growing and Obtaining Native Seed

With the increasing frequency and intensity of wildfires, demand for native seed for use in restoration projects has increased. The current supply is not enough to fulfill all needs, thus creating opportunities for new producers and collectors.

Buying & Obtaining Seed

Click here for a guide on buying native seed in Nevada to understand the analysis, certification and treatment tags.

The Nevada Department of Agriculture (NDA) has a new Foundation Seed Program with the goal of providing locally sourced, high quality native seed to producers at no cost. There is a competitive application process that selects awardees based on production plans and experience. After harvest, the NDA will require a small portion of seed be given back to the program to support future growth, but the remainder is left to the awardee to sell or use for restoration purposes. This link will take you to the Request for Applications.

Collecting native seed

Seeds of Success (SOS) is the national native seed collection program, led by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) in partnership with a variety of federal agencies and non-federal organizations. SOS’s mission is to collect wildland native seed for research, development, germplasm conservation, and ecosystem restoration.

Growing Native Plants

Some resources on growing native seed and plant materials:

This flowchart lists the various steps required and some helpful resources for people who may be interested in collecting native seed to sell, acquiring native seed stock for growing, and/or growing native seed to sell, including contact information for corresponding agencies and/or personnel in Nevada who can help with native seed ventures.