Partnership Growth and Accomplishments in 2021

Building off the success of years past, our partnership entered into Fiscal Year 2021 with a strong vision for conservation and resiliency in the sagebrush biome. Supporting communities and landscapes across the Intermountain West, the Sage Capacity Team continued to bring about real and lasting benefits to the sagebrush biome through project implementation and partner facilitation. Highlighting accomplishments of these individuals in our Fiscal Year 2021 Annual Report shows the incredible breadth of impacts this partnership is making in sagebrush country.

Between Fiscal Year 2016-2021, total sagebrush capacity funding has reached an impressive $12,507,992.

At a Glance: 2021 Accomplishments

3 new partner positions added

52 BLM Field, District, or State Offices supported with capacity

118 field projects completed

129 landowners engaged

181,861 acres impacted

651 entities in our partnership network

$10,623,089 in project funding

New and Noteworthy Achievements

  • Increased the Sage Capacity Team from 15 to 18 positions, expanding support for Bureau of Land Management (BLM) offices across 10 states with implementing sagebrush habitat projects and treatments in collaboration with partners.

  • Expanded capacity into new states, including New Mexico and Colorado, where two Sage Capacity Team members are addressing the conservation of migration corridors across large landscapes.

  • Introduced over 100 participants to low-tech wet meadow restoration techniques through a virtual workshop webinar.

  • Produced a report and report synthesis to help partners understand how management actions affect stored carbon in rangelands.

  • Released Playing with Fire, the second film in our series on wildfire, invasive annual grasses, and recreating safely on sagebrush rangelands.

The IWJV is committed to supporting proactive, voluntary, incentive-based conservation that benefits wildlife habitat, natural resources, agriculture, and communities. We are pleased to share the following 2021 Annual Report with the incredible array of partners who have played a crucial role in this effort.