Seeking Support for Riparian and Wet Meadow Restoration

Degraded wet and mesic habitats within sagebrush systems in need of restoration are all too common across the West and interest in low-cost restoration techniques for these areas is rapidly increasing. As part of larger efforts to conserve and restore sagebrush ecosystems, the Intermountain West Joint Venture (IWJV), Bureau of Land Management (BLM), USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), and Pheasants Forever (PF) are seeking contract services to provide technical assistance. This would support local BLM and NRCS partners interested in low-cost structures for restoring or protecting riparian and wet meadow areas impacted by head-cutting or gully erosion. Services would be focused in priority watersheds where partners are working collaboratively to address mesic habitats to benefit sage grouse and sagebrush.


Typically, impaired sites of interest are located in valley bottoms along ephemeral or intermittent streams in rangeland settings. Partners desire information and training on techniques that can be hand-built using native materials. The goal is to provide partners with the knowledge, skills, abilities, and confidence to implement projects on their own.

It is estimated that technical assistance will be provided to local partners in three priority locations. While exact time requirements will vary, we anticipate each priority watershed may involve five days of pre-project planning assistance, five days of project implementation support, and three days of project evaluation and monitoring follow-up.

Proposals are due March 15.

To learn more about this contract and how to submit a proposal, please click here.